they always grab you at the beginning...
i was so excited that they go with
"only one person's weight-loss counts for the team!"
and the other team chooses that person...
good one, producers....
they have really pulled out all of the stops
to ensure that the peeps really push it every week....
to ensure that the peeps really push it every week....
my heart was racing
[and i am so hoping one of the black-team-dude-game-players gets what's comin to em...]
frado walks out on jillian.... wuss.
[cue drama "breakthrough" conversation...]
of course the first challenge is a cooking challenge
-my favorite-
[cue epic drama moment from frado...]
i swear he is such a girl...
challenge #2: dragon boat race.
again, i want that job!
(the job of the man that comes up with this crap!)
blue team wins
which gives them the opportunity to block the black team's choice at the weigh-in...
of course it comes down to elizabeth-
drama queen with asthma on the black team...
and jessica- the girly girl that will be way hot when she loses her extra lady lumps....
[blue team didn't even block them from picking her... bad call...]
elizabeth loses 5 pounds-good for her,
but everyone on the blue team would have beaten that 5...
[mark dropped 16, and adam dropped 13- crazytown!]
jessica lost 4 and loses....
[yeah- should've used your advantage guys...]
tie breaker between adam and jessica goes to the black team...
so they can pick anyone...
of course, the black team kicks adam....
i hate frado.
adam goes home with 80+ pounds gone...
total of 140 down as of now...
he looks awesome!!
[unfortunately his current after foto is unavailable....
which is too bad cause he looks amazing!]
-my favorite-
[cue epic drama moment from frado...]
i swear he is such a girl...
challenge #2: dragon boat race.
again, i want that job!
(the job of the man that comes up with this crap!)
blue team wins
which gives them the opportunity to block the black team's choice at the weigh-in...
of course it comes down to elizabeth-
drama queen with asthma on the black team...
and jessica- the girly girl that will be way hot when she loses her extra lady lumps....
[blue team didn't even block them from picking her... bad call...]
elizabeth loses 5 pounds-good for her,
but everyone on the blue team would have beaten that 5...
[mark dropped 16, and adam dropped 13- crazytown!]
jessica lost 4 and loses....
[yeah- should've used your advantage guys...]
tie breaker between adam and jessica goes to the black team...
so they can pick anyone...
of course, the black team kicks adam....
i hate frado.
adam goes home with 80+ pounds gone...
total of 140 down as of now...
he looks awesome!!
[unfortunately his current after foto is unavailable....
which is too bad cause he looks amazing!]
this cracks me up that you recap this show. i love how you put your own spin on it. i speed watch it and then just wait for your analysis. it's too fun. you got the talent, girrrrlll!