Wednesday, February 2, 2011

dear future/BL update...

maybe i just took this little {very stupid} quiz on the BL site
to see who my trainer should be.
i do agree.

i keep thinking about how in just a few weeks,
i am going to be all up in baby fat and wanting to do something about it.

i wish i could train with the "unknowns" and lose freaking 15-16 pounds a week like nearly all of them did this week.

but, until them i keep dreaming about this:


i realize that i hate working out unless i have a trainer with me to push me way farther than i will on my own, and if not that- 
i should be dancing.
like a latin.

if i still lived close to a gym, i would just go to a zumba class, because they rock.
or to calli's manic monday and let her kick my trash...

dear future,
my birthday is two months after B gets here... 
about the time that i will go crazy without a new workout regime of some kind.

please provide.

{future, if it helps, just before we moved, 
we bought cc all those P90x dvds that are still shrink-wrapped... i promise i will put mine to good use.}

pps. i would also accept a kinect with "just dance"


  1. And another great thought...breastfeeding burns another 500 cal. a day. :)

  2. Seriously, baby weight was gone for me by my six week check up from, I get to lose bonus weight. Of course, everyone is different, but breastfeeding rocks!

  3. Dear Future, If you do provide...I wouldn't mind providing half of the cost so my sister and I can zumba it up together over state lines. (You know...copy the DVDs etc.)

  4. that lady with the really curly hair in the video is my zumba teacher! crazy!

  5. I am a huge fan of zumba!!! I have been doing it now since 2002. No one knew about it back then.I have my own videos, have attended classes, but my latest thing is getting routines off youtube. Its free, and all choreographers are different. Plus you can put them in a queue and have them play back to back and get one continuous workout. Plus people even provided warm-ups and cool downs. Free of charge. Its awesome. I reccomend "Mandy" of team fitness in grand rapids, michigan. She is very hip-hop, dance style zumba.

  6. I'll put in my plug for Zumba, cuz I'm hard core now :) ha ha jk, BUT if you go to there is a link to find an instructor near you. Guaranteed there are some near you cuz I had a gal that came to my classes that's moving to Belgium for 6 months and we were able to find over 20 instructors for her. in BELGIUM! Live classes are SOO much better than videos :) I've even seen people do it UBER prego, which is what I'm HOPING to be able to do when I eventually get prego. You just have to modify the moves to your comfort level. Good luck, you'd kick butt at Zumba.
