Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Look Mom... I go to BIG KID SCHOOL now!!

At recess* today, I sat on a patch of grass and I watched in wonderment this culture that I am a part of.

To my right, there is a charming group of kids playing double dutch. A young man in women's pants and a vest jumps on his hands through the ropes and the girls around all cheer.

The adjacent patch of grass holds in the handful of guys that are most likely "old friends from freshman year" in t-shirts and basketball shorts- of course playing a quick game of football... where else.

To my left, a young female grounds keeper carefully plants fully grown flowers because the recently planted "other ones" have probably slightly changed color- and this is bad for the image...

Where is the jungle jim- or my swing- ya know I could really go for a swing and some sand right about now is all...

recess*= at college this means the 1 hour of freedom that we all happen to have at the same time...makes for some crowded grounds...


  1. hahahahaha

    thank you, thank you. a very accurate description of cougar town

  2. Double dutch huh? When I was little I was in a jump rope club that our school had that was called Hot Peppers. But like I said, I was little, not in college. Good times at that blasted place, wouldn't you say? So when are you moving home? Just wondering.

  3. Yes- that is the 11 o'clock hour of time that apparently everyone resorts to their childhood...love it. Honestly- double dutch... kills me. I hope sooner than later Mel...I am so done with this place!
