Saturday, September 1, 2007

I could tell you needed to feel better about yourself today...

Did you ever come back from a weekend and think:
"Nothing good ever happens!" Well... Looky and listen!


  1. Meg
    Hey I found your bloggy thru Em's-I love this girl and her answer-I think I could watch this all day...oh wait, I already did! Good to see what you're up to. Macey B

  2. P.S. I'm glad that you look for the flaws in others to feel better about yourself. I knew we were friends for a reason.

  3. I think this cancelled out her swimsuit competition score, which did indeed boost my self-esteem. I'm pretty sure my exact thought was, "A lot of good your tiny waist, thighs of steel, and possibly fake boobs did you there! Shoot, who wants those things anyways?"

  4. Yes, this is my third comment in a row - I'll try to be better at collecting my thoughts before I click Publish this time. So, the picture of you on the website is amazing, and I might be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous of your cameo in the commercial! I've always wondered how to be the token white girl on the MCC course catalogues, so maybe you can give me a few pointers! You look amazing!

  5. I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't be able to locate the U.S. on a map of only the United States.

  6. Meg- if you haven't already, you have to see Miss Teen Calls 911.

  7. yeah the 911 is funny... and the parents one is quite good... I personally like the battle vs. Bush ones. I didn't realize he was so bad at speaking English too!

  8. Meg,Watched this again this morning. Laughed out loud, again.

  9. Hey Meg- I would love to see Charlie Brown. SO...... You still haven't called- and that means I may have to come and track you down! Blogging is fun but hanging out is so much better!
